Monday, May 5, 2008

What's so wrong with Daredevil?

Everyone loves Spider-man... they want to be him... they want to watch him fly with Web-shooters and "THWIP!" the bad guys... Same thing with Wolverine... SNIKT SNIKT SNIKT!!! and everyone is on the ground bleeding to death by stab wounds.

But you know who else is pretty damn cool and does not get his credit when it's due? It's DAREDEVIL... The Man Without Fear! The reason I like Daredevil so much is because he is out there in his part of town stoping injustice (by a very just way... beating the baddies into submission along with breaking their limbs) everyday! No he doesn't take on GLOBAL THREATS like the pushover Avengers, lead by Shield Director Tony "Hey I'm a Drunk" Stark... or duke it out with Magneto for the 30 thousandth time.... BUT DAMNIT HE ROCKS! What I like most about the Devil is that he stays away from the politics of Superheroes, away from the democratic choas of Team Organizations and saves the city one thug at a time.

And why does everyone hate his powers? He can hear a persons heartrate from two streets over, sense suddon drops in atmopsheric pressure and has a better smell sense than Wolverine could ever hope for. So what if he's blind. He doesn't need it because all of his other senses form the targets he needs to pummel. Other than that, he is just a man... perhaps like Batman?? All he uses is his olympic style prowless combined with his simplistic form of travel (He jumps rooftops and then swings via cable from building to building) to get where he needs to be then beats his competetion with his heavy duty muscles.

And lets not forget his morals!!! Does he let his anger take over? Will he ever kill somebody? Does he actually help the citizens of Hell's Kitchen?

Plus I like it when he fights the Kingpin... Everyone likes the Kingpin.

And there you have it... Daredevil, although not as popular as other Marvel characters, is wildey underestimated

1 comment:

Aaron F. said...

I take it you finished the Kevin Smith series? Now you have to move on to Brian Michael Bendis' phenomenal run.